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На Швецию обрушился "дождь" мертвых птиц

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Ученые теперь уже всего мира ломают головы над загадочной гибелью птиц. Сначала США и Швеция, а теперь ещё Канада, Италия, Китай и Япония столкнулись с массовым мором пернатых. Целые стаи птиц падают замертво. Люди вспоминают Апокалипсис, но объяснения этой мистике по-прежнему нет: в каждом конкретном случае есть своя правдоподобная версия, но связать воедино происходящее никто не может.

Версия уже выдвинута. Она очень похожа на правдоподобную — птицы погибали исключительно на трассе, ведущей к химическому заводу. Но, учитывая, что за последние дни в мире это далеко не первый случай, особо мнительные уже выдвигают апокалиптические гипотезы. Социальные сети, блоги и форумы полнятся самыми разнообразными предсказаниями, разлетающимися по свету со скоростью Интернета.

— Дождь из мертвых птиц теперь идет в Италии. Ужас! Это напоминает фильмы про конец света.

— Думаю, что это плохая экология. Банально, но не конец света. Ибо с этой формулировкой уже надоели. Привязывают ко всему.

— Предлагаю не паниковать пока. У нас еще на этом свете много дел.

Не паниковать призывают и ученые. Гибель птиц — явление не редкое и происходило во все времена. Просто раньше человечество не обладало такими техническими способностями снимать буквально всё на камеры, тут же выкладывать в Интернет и тем самым пугать друг друга.

А причин для птичьих смертей может быть множество: магнитные бури, сбивающие пернатых с пути, сильные грозы или холода. В американском штате Арканзас, с которого все и началось, уже установлено, что птицы падали с неба в рождественскую ночь, напуганные грохотом фейерверков. Но ведь падеж произошел и в других штатах, где салюты в тот момент не запускали.

Орнитологи уверены, что даже если это был не салют, то все равно птиц что-то напугало до ужаса. «По какой-то причине они были сорваны с места, поднялись, полетели в панике, — поясняет специалист Валентин Волков. — Поскольку ночью они не видят — они же дневные, то налетели на какие-то провода, преграды. Скорость-то у них большая».

Впрочем, многим, как это часто бывает, милее теории заговора либо зловещие предзнаменования. Высказываются версии о тайных испытаниях секретного оружия или ошибочного распыления отравляющих веществ. Якобы американский военный самолет, летевший в Афганистан, из-за компьютерного сбоя выбросил в атмосферу вещество удушающего действия — фосген.

То, что птицы погибли из-за деятельности человека, такая вероятность, конечно, есть и она очень высока. Уж точно гораздо выше причин из области фантастики. «Как правило, все случаи массового падежа животных рано или поздно получают свое абсолютно логическое объяснение. Никакой мистики в этом деле нет», — уверен Иван Затевахин, ведущий программы «Диалоги о животных».

Впрочем, если в одном итальянском городке птицы погибли, то в столице страны их столько, что коммунальные службы были бы даже рады, если бы со скворцами что-нибудь случилось. Их и так пытаются разогнать душераздирающими звуками, но ничего не действует. Скворцы традиционно прилетели в Рим на зимовку и будут здесь до весны. Таков закон природы, который, несмотря на все кажущиеся сбои, действует и в этом году.



Ага, в Германии типа тоже все птицы даже уже "УМЕРШИЕ" упали с прилавков. Какой-то гадостью кормили. Правда уже 2 дня как курица стала опять продаваться.



В Северной Америке зафиксирован еще один случай массовой гибели птиц. В этот раз несколько десятков мертвых голубей были обнаружены в Канаде. Ранее похожие случаи произошли в США, Швеции и Италии.

Как сообщило Postmedia News, последний случай массовой гибели птиц зафиксирован в Квебеке, в окрестностях городка Сент-Огюстен-де-Демор. Здесь погибло 80 особей. Как сообщил представитель министерства охраны окружающей среды провинции Квебек Николя Бежи, лабораторные исследования проб тканей погибших пернатых не дали определенных результатов. «Произошло нечто необычное и мы относимся к этому серьезно, однако считаем, что повода для тревог нет», — добавил он (цитируется по ИТАР-ТАСС).

Любопытно, что похожий случай массовой гибели птиц был зафиксирован в этой местности всего несколько недель назад. В середине декабря в окрестностях городка Сент-Огюстен-де-Демор было обнаружено 25 мертвых голубей. Случаи массовой гибели птиц в период праздников были также зафиксированы в США, Швеции и Италии. Ученые пытаются объяснить гибель птиц



Итальянские орнитологи выдвинули новую версию причины массовой гибели птиц в городе Фаэнца — на родине фаянса, в провинции Равенна, что на севере Италии.

Там в субботу были найдены мертвыми около восьмисот горлиц. Первоначально местные ученые предположили, что птицы могли отравиться химикатами.

Они основывались на том факте, что мертвые горлицы были обнаружены вдоль дороги неподалеку от химического комбината. При этом не исключалась и возможность вспышки некоего инфекционного заболевания. Несколько трупов птиц было отправлено на обследование.

Теперь высказывается предположение, что горлицы пострадали от обычного, но массового несварения желудка: они просто объелись отходами от обработанных подсолнечных семечек на складских площадках расположенного поблизости масличного завода фирмы «Тампьери».

Как сообщил журналистам научный сотрудник института зоопрофилактики областей Ломбардии и Эмилии-Романьи Рудольфо Ридольфи, в тушках погибших птиц (в зобах и печени) было обнаружено чрезмерное количество жмыха.

Горлицы не в состоянии контролировать свою потребность в корме, в отличие от многих других птиц, заселяющих эти же пространства – таких, как чайки и голуби, отметил специалист. Официальные результаты обследования будут опубликованы ветеринарными службами в понедельник, передает ИТАР-ТАСС.

Эксперты напоминают, что случай гибели птиц в Италии стал третьим с начала 2011 года. Так, в первый день января в американском штате Арканзас погибли более трех тысяч дроздов. По версии орнитологов, птицы могли быть оглушены звуками новогоднего салюта. Из-за праздничных залпов птицы дезориентировались в пространстве и погибли от столкновения со зданиями, столбами и рекламными щитами.

Похожий инцидент произошел в Канаде и на западе Швеции, где были найдены мертвыми несколько десятков галок. Считается, что эти птицы тоже могли испугаться новогодних фейерверков.

Подробнее: http://news.mail.ru/inworld/ukraina/society/5089513/



Вот как то раньше они не объедались
И получается - это единственный праздник за много лет, когда феерверки были  :D  Странные предположения.
Неее тут что то серьезнее.



Всех птичек жалко! А черные дрозды, которые в Америке погибли красивые такие с красной грудкой. [взломанный сайт] Хочется, конечно, думать, что все это пустяки, а не признак надвигающихся катаклизмов глобального значения.



If only I could get this damn thing working , I might stop throwing things round the flat .
At the moment , if I log in and use the English site version , there is no way of sending a message --- i.e. of making a Post .
However , if I leave the site in Russian , I can send a message --- or so it seems --- even though I don't know what Topic I am in !
Brilliant .
Of course , I have no idea whether this message will get sent .
Anybody offering help should write to rayahyeh@yahoo.co.uk
What I have seen seems very nice but you all seem far too nice to each other . Where are the mad women from LL and GG ?

Incidentally Katryn has been most helpful and patient but clearly we have not yet solved all the problems .



I see something has happened , albeit requires translation into Russian .
What I want is two fold , as I see it :-
Being able to use the English version and be able to send a Post .
Secondly , being able to switch to and fro from English to Russian and back again . I can change Russian into English by simply pressing that lovely flag at the top left of the screen . But how do I achieve the opposite -- switching  from English to Russian ?



Help .
I am going out for a time in order to lose my anger !!!!!!



Raymondo написал(а):

If only I could get this damn thing working , I might stop throwing things round the flat .
At the moment , if I log in and use the English site version , there is no way of sending a message --- i.e. of making a Post .
However , if I leave the site in Russian , I can send a message --- or so it seems --- even though I don't know what Topic I am in !
Brilliant .
Of course , I have no idea whether this message will get sent .
Anybody offering help should write to rayahyeh@yahoo.co.uk
What I have seen seems very nice but you all seem far too nice to each other . Where are the mad women from LL and GG ?
Incidentally Katryn has been most helpful and patient but clearly we have not yet solved all the problems .

Ray, stop panic.
There are all the women  here from GG.
Be patient and wait.
I think we are able to help to you but a bit late  because most of us are busy now.
If you want, you could use a translate: http://www.translate.ru/Default.aspx/Text,  but you need to open second window on your internet. You may use the translate and  those treads here in the same time.
Good luck



Captain Fantastico, I think, we are all glad to see you here.We all know you aren't too good at computers. We have an English-speaking expert in computers,his nick is ThatWasTest. I hope, he will help you with your problems in this site. Actually, it's very easy to operate. We have been waiting for you for some time. So there are some articles in English which I tried to find and copy here specially for you. They are in "Articles and comments" thread.
Our expert is sleeping now, I think, as he is from America. Wait a little. Katherine and others who are better at comps than me, will help you for sure.
I am so happy to see you here that I even hug you, Fantastico! [взломанный сайт]



UAU! Das ist Fantastisch!!!!! Hallo, Ramon, wie gehts es Ihnen? nice to meet u here!



NOW, do not get worried about the length of the report below or its detail .It did not reproduce the several maps and diagrams that are in the original but that seems to be beyond my control .
But it does show that the report is serious and completely professional with masses of support data and research sources .
What does it say?
In a nutshell it says that when you keep up intense fractal shale gas drilling , you set up 'small" earthquakes . These release gases and toxins into the air and are the likely cause of these mass deaths , or , in the case of the fish , the river water is polluted .
It seems a brilliant piece of research and the only obvious first comment is  , how does this explain odd similar happenings in Canada , Sweden , Italy and here in the UK ?
I think the first obvious thought would be that nobody has yet done this sort of research elsewhere . Naturally if similar fractal type work is being done in these other locations , the chances of this explanation being right are huge .
Another thought you have to always consider is disinformation and CIA involvement .Were some of the incidents outside North America created ?
I have no evidence that this happened but to think that it could not be organised in the right circumstances is foolish .
Over to you .

The last four months of 2010, nearly 500 earthquakes rattled Guy, Arkansas. [1]  The entire state experienced 38 quakes in 2009. [2]  The spike in quake frequency precedes and coincides with the 100,000 dead fish on a 20-mile stretch of the Arkansas River that included Roseville Township on December 30. The next night, 5,000 red-winged blackbirds and starlings dropped dead out of the sky in Beebe. [3]  Hydraulic fracturing is the most likely culprit for all three events, as it causes earthquakes with a resultant release of toxins into the environment. [4]
A close look at Arkansas’ history of earthquakes and drilling reveals a shocking surge in quake frequency following advanced drilling. The number of quakes in 2010 nearly equals all of Arkansas’ quakes for the entire 20th century. The oil and gas industry denies any correlation, but the advent of hydrofracking followed by earthquakes is a story repeated across the nation.  It isn’t going to stop any time soon, either.  Fracking has gone global.
Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) pumps water and chemicals into the ground at a pressurized rate exceeding what the bedrock can withstand, resulting in a microquake that produces rock fractures. Though initiated in 1947, technological advances now allow horizontal fracturing, vastly increasing oil and gas collection. [5] In 1996, shale-gas production in the U.S. accounted for 2 percent of all domestic natural gas production, reports Christopher Bateman in Vanity Fair. “Some industry analysts predict shale gas will represent a full half of total domestic gas production within 10 years.” [6] In 2000, U.S. gas reserve estimates stood at 177 trillion cubic feet, but ramped up to 245 tcf in 2008. These new technologies prompt experts to increase global gas reserve estimates ninefold. [7]
The grid below shows a section of the Arkansas River, with Roseville Township at bottom, where the first reports of the fish kill originated. The green lines surrounding and crossing the river indicate gas pipes, ranging from 8-20” in diameter. Any number of leaks in the pipes can explain the fish kill. Gas wells are shown by yellow ‘suns’ (see red arrows) and range from 1,500 to 6,500 feet deep. (Disposal wells, where drilling waste products are injected at high pressures, go as deep as 12,000 feet.) The red numbers next to the ‘suns’ give the number of gas wells in that spot, numbering close to 50 in this small area. [8]

(The gray numbers relate to the Township Numbering System. Each square equals one square mile. Click map for larger image.)
In December alone, over 150 earthquakes rocked Arkansas. [1] The swarm of quakes in Guy likely results from six years of intense drilling. Guy sits within the Fayetteville Shale Formation which, according to the Arkansas Geological Survey (AGS), is “the current focus of a regional shale-gas exploration and development program.”  A billion cubic feet of gas has been produced from this area since 2004. [9]
Thousands of wells are in operation in North-Central Arkansas (blue section of the following map). [10] Beebe, where the bird kill occurred, is in White County and Guy is at the northern end of Faulkner Co., where the anomalous earthquakes continue.

Red-winged blackbirds roost in clusters up to a million or more birds, often with other species like starlings and cowbirds. (In the 1950s and ’60s, roosts could number 20 million birds.)  Blackbirds prefer low, dense vegetative cover in wetlands or near streams. Though some may perch 30 feet above the water, most perch within one to two feet of it, and some will roost with their feet resting in water. Blackbirds can range up to 50 miles a day from roost to feeding sites, but they all settle in for the night before sunset. [11]
An earthquake of whatever scale can release a stream or cloud of gas and fracking chemicals which could easily explain why sleeping birds would suddenly take flight, and then quickly dye as they succumbed to the toxic fumes. Of note, eight measured quakes within 40 miles of Beebe, and within 75 miles of Roseville, hit the area on December 30 thru several minutes past midnight on January 1st. [12]  This excludes any micro- or miniquakes which can have the same effect.  Significantly, the area is known for its prolific microquakes — numbering 40,000 since 1982. [1]
Canadian Geologist Jack Century crusades against induced seismicity from irresponsible drilling. In a 2009 speech before the Peace River Environmental Society, he provided a brief explanation of how fracking induces earthquakes, completely refuting industry denial that fracking causes quakes. Fracking induces not only micro- and mini-seismic actions that can compromise the integrity of well casings, but also large earthquakes registering on the order of 5 to 7 on the Richter Scale, resulting in human deaths. [13]
Scott Ausbrooks, geohazards supervisor for AGS, told CNN in December that while earthquakes aren’t unusual in Arkansas, the frequency is. [14]  Indeed, they’ve had a 1,200 percent increase in earthquakes over 2009 data just in the last four months of 2010. All of the quakes registered less than 3 on the Richter Scale; over 98% of them occurred near Guy, where we find the largest concentration of gas wells; and 99% occurred outside the New Madrid Fault zone (circled in red below) where seismic activity is expected, implying they are human induced [1]:

Though AGS publicly claims no earthquake relation to drilling, in early December, Arkansas banned new drilling permits until further notice.
CNN reported that “According to the Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission, there are at least a half dozen ‘disposal wells’ within a 500-square-mile zone around Guy.” Ausbrooks noted similar “incidents in Colorado in the 1960s at Rocky Mountain Arsenal, where deep water injection was tied to earthquakes.” [14]
Arkansas Earthquake and Drilling History

When comparing Arkansas’ earthquake history with its drilling history, a causative correlation becomes obvious.
The entire 19th century saw 15 recorded earthquakes and none in the first decade of the new century.  A total of 694 quakes rocked Arkansas in the 20th century.  That number was surpassed in 2009-2010, with the bulk (483) occurring the last three months of 2010. Table 1 was prepared using complete quake data thru 2009 [15], complete data from August thru December, 2010 [1], and just North Central Arkansas quake data from January thru July, 2010. [16]

Arkla, Inc., through its many morphs, mergers and acquisitions,  is and has been a key gas driller in Arkansas.  Between 1975 and the early 1980s, the company found more gas than it produced. By 1982, Arkla was able to sell Central Louisiana Electric Company more than 100 million cubic feet of gas daily. By the early 1990s, it operated the sixth-largest pipeline system in the United States and was among the ten largest operators of natural gas reserves. [17] Its production timeline coincides with the massive jump in earthquakes in the 1970s and 1980s. Today, 37 companies drill for gas and oil in Arkansas. [18]
Unregulated Fracking on a Global March

The U.S. and Canada are not alone in exploiting this highly destructive technology. Poland also embraces fracking. Several energy companies are currently exploring Poland’s reserves, including Conoco-Phillips, ExxonMobil, Marathon, Chevron, Talisman, Lane Energy, BNK Petroleum, Emfesz, EurEnergy Resources, RAG, San Leon Energy and Sorgenia E&P. [19]  These new technologies will significantly impact the global trade in natural gas, according to Forbes [20]:
“Poland consumes 14 billion cubic meters of gas a year and imports more than 70% of it from Russia. It is easy to see how the country could benefit from starting shale gas drilling as soon as possible. Not only could it decrease its dependency on Russia, it might even turn into a gas exporter.”
Bateman noted that Western and Central Europe have leased their lands to frackers. Australians are suffering from the same frack contaminations as Americans, and China is also exploiting the new technology. [6]
Josh Fox’s 2010 film, Gasland, documents a multitude of harmful consequences on animal and human life, as well as property values. The most infamous scene shows people able to ignite their contaminated tap water [21]:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrnnQ17SH_A
Fox makes the point that Dick Cheney’s former company, Halliburton, lobbied for and won exemptions from the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, Superfund, and the Safe Drinking Water Act, thanks to our corporate-owned Congress. Though it did not hesitate to pass on Wall Street’s gambling debts to the public (twice), Congress has not found the will to pass the Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals (FRAC) Act.
Nor do drillers have to disclose the toxic chemicals used, contrary to the 1986 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. [22]
In 2004, the Environmental Protection Agency determined that fracking poses no threat to water supplies and that no further studies were needed. [23]  From some Orwellian nightmare, however, at least 65 of the chemicals used in fracking are considered hazardous by the EPA. They have been linked to “cancer; liver, kidney, brain, respiratory and skin disorders; birth defects; and other health problems,” according to a 2005 report by the Oil and Gas Accountability Project. Of primary concern to citizens, OGAP notes that “Approximately half of the water that Americans rely on for drinking comes from underground sources.” [24]
Wyoming took a proactive stance on full disclosure of fracking chemicals when it passed new rules in September. Loopholes, however, still allow companies to claim proprietary ownership of such information, restricting the information from public view. [25]
Given the EPA’s position that fracking is safe, it’s not likely that Arkansas citizens will get much help from the federal government. Nor will they find a friend at the state level. The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality has so far been unwilling or unable to stop UMETCO Minerals Corporation from illegally dumping toxic chemicals into streams. [26]
The same situation applies across the nation where state governments protect industry over environmental and human health.  Recently, outgoing Governor David Paterson vetoed legislation that would have put a moratorium on vertical and horizontal hydraulic drilling. [27]  Already, Pennsylvania leases a third of its public lands to private energy drillers. [21]
Given government bias toward energy giants, and BP's destruction of the Gulf of Mexico is a case in point, more direct action may be required by citizens, if environmental and human health are to be saved from the fossil fuel industry.
Rady Ananda holds a B.S. in Natural Resources from The Ohio State University’s School of Agriculture.
1. Arkansas Geological Survey, “Arkansas Earthquake Updates.” http://www.geology.ar.gov/geohazards/earthquakes.htm
2. Arkansas Geological Survey, “2009 Earthquakes.” http://www.geology.ar.gov/xl/2009_Earthquakes.xls
3. Food Freedom, “Massive fish kill and 1000s of birds fall from the sky in Arkansas,” 2 Jan. 2010. http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2011/0 … -arkansas/
4. Earthworks, “Hydraulic Fracturing and Earthquakes.”  http://www.earthworksaction.org/fractur … quakes.cfm
Also see:
Ben Cassleman, “Temblors Rattle Texas Town: Residents Suspect a Drilling Boom Is Triggering Small Quakes, but Scientists Lack Proof,” Wall Street Journal, 12 June 2009. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124476331270108225.html
James Glanz, “Deep in Bedrock, Clean Energy and Quake Fears,” New York Times, 23 June 2009. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/24/busin … therm.html
James Glanz, Video: “The Danger of Digging Deeper,” New York Times, 23 June 2009. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009 … ermal.html
5. U.S. Department of Energy, “Hydraulic Fracturing White Paper,” June 2004.  http://www.epa.gov/ogwdw/uic/pdfs/cbmst … epaper.pdf
6. Christopher Bateman, “A Colossal Fracking Mess,” Vanity Fair, 16 June 2010. http://www.vanityfair.com/business/feat … ntPage=all
7. Martin Walker, “Russia’s Fracked Future,” UPI, 1 Feb. 2010. http://www.upi.com/Top_News/Analysis/20 … 265042152/
8. Arkansas Geological Survey, “Fayetteville Shale Gas Play West Map,” Last updated 2 March 2010. http://www.geology.ar.gov/maps_pdf/fossilfuels/Fay West Map 42×44.pdf
9. Arkansas Geological Survey, “Gas.” http://www.geology.ar.gov/fossil_fuels/gas.htm
10. Arkansas Geological Survey, “Fayetteville Shale Gas Play.” http://www.geology.ar.gov/home/fayetteville_play.htm
11. Brooke Meanley, “The Roosting Behavior of the Red-Winged Blackbird in the Southern United States,” Wilson Bulletin, Vol. 77 No.3, pp 217-228, Sept. 1965. http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Wilson/v07 … -p0228.pdf
12. U.S. Geological Survey, “Map Centered at 35°N, 93°W” Accessed Jan. 5, 2010: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/ … 94.-92.php
13. Jack Century, “Earthquake Risks: Building a Nuclear Power Plant near Peace River, Alberta,” Peace River Environmental Society, May 2009 (71 mins.) http://peaceriverenvironmentalsociety.org/; 8-part video at http://www.youtube.com/results?search_t … y&aq=f
14. CNN, “Arkansas Earthquakes,” 13 Dec. 2010. http://www.wibw.com/nationalnews/headli … 15534.html
15. Arkansas Geological Survey, “Earthquake Archive,” 2009. http://www.geology.ar.gov/xl/Earthquake_Archive.xls
16. Arkansas Geological Survey, “Recent and Historical Earthquakes in North-Central Arkansas,” October 2010 http://www.geology.arkansas.gov/maps_pd … diaMap.pdf
17. Funding Universe, “Arkla Inc.” n.d. http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company- … story.html
18. Manta.com, “37 Drilling Oil and Gas Wells Companies in Arkansas,” n.d.
http://www.manta.com/mb_44_E317D_04/dri … s/arkansas
19. STRATFOR, “Poland: Fracing On The Rise?” Forbes Magazine, 1 June 2010. http://blogs.forbes.com/energysource/20 … -the-rise/
20. TREFIS Team, “ConocoPhillips Has Big Fracking Plans For Poland, Stock Has Upside,” Forbes Magazine, 14 Dec. 2010. http://blogs.forbes.com/greatspeculatio … as-upside/
21. Josh Fox, Gasland, 2010. http://www.gaslandthemovie.com/. See trailer showing ignited tap water at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrnnQ17SH_A.
22. Sarah Collins and Tom Kenworthy, “Energy Industry Fights Chemical Disclosure: Natural gas companies want to prevent oversight of fracking,” Center for American Progress, April 2010. http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/ … cking.html
23. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Evaluation of Impacts to Underground Sources of Drinking Water by Hydraulic Fracturing of Coalbed Methane Reservoirs Study,” June 2004. http://water.epa.gov/type/groundwater/u … estudy.cfm
24. Lisa Sumi, “Our Drinking Water at Risk: What EPA and the Oil and Gas Industry Don’t Want Us to Know about Hydraulic Fracturing,” Oil and Gas Accountability Project, April 2005. http://www.earthworksaction.org/pubs/Dr … AtRisk.pdf
25. Earthworks, Powder River Basin Resources Council, “Wyoming Requires Disclosure of Chemicals in Natural Gas Drilling,” 16 Sep 2010. http://earthworksaction.org/PR_WYdisclosure.cfm
26. Karoline Wightman, “UMETCO Minerals Corp not yet fined for releasing chemicals,” Fox News, 16 Nov. 2010. http://www.fox16.com/news/local/story/U … px?rss=315
27. Tom Zeller, “New York Governor Vetoes Fracking Bill,” New York Times, 11 Dec. 2010. http://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/12/ … king-bill/



Thanks for the big Hello . Alles is gut .
I have been thinking about earthquakes --- a bit sad I suppose .
I remember that in a quiz programme a year or two ago there was the question , which country in the world has the most ?
To my amazement , the answer was here in the UK .
However ,  whilst we have hundreds a year , their severity is slight --- presumably about 3.0 on the Richter Scale or much less
So it is just possible there is a reasonable explanation for all of those crabs dying which ties into a release of Gas/Toxin in to the sea  .



Now , the big question is  , How do I create a Topic ?
There are many things to discuss and I know you are thrilled to be able to talk via a direct link to our Moslem brothers and sisters in the Caucasus .
Did I hear someone choking ?



Thank you for your explanation of these tragic events, Raymondo. I've read a lot of them but they were ridiculous to say the least of them.

To create a new Topic ,you should click on the name of the thread. It's "Ecology" in this case. You will see different topics in this thread. There is a sign "New topic" in the right corner. (Новая тема)
Click on it. Write the title and start posting. Good luck!
No, nobody was choking, you heard yourself, I think.

Отредактировано Bella (2011-01-10 14:43:15)



And how can you explain the death of two million fish in the Chesapeake Bay, lying between Virginia and Maryland?



В Турции массово гибнут птицы
Вести.Ру, 2 часа назад, 10 янв 2011, 16:33

В Турции произошел случай необъяснимой массовой гибели птиц.

Погибших скворцов обнаружили жители уезда Караджабе в провинции Бурса. На дороге лежали десятки тушек пернатых. О происшествии оперативно доложили местным властям, было начато расследование инцидента.

В настоящее время специалисты проводят необходимые анализы. Однако пока им не удалось установить причину гибели скворцов. Как сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС, по одной из версий, в стаю птиц могло врезаться несколько большегрузных автомобилей, шедших один за другим.

О необъяснимой массовой гибели птиц мировые СМИ начали сообщать в канун Нового года, когда около 4 тысяч черных дроздов упали замертво в окрестностях небольшого городка Бииб в штате Арканзас. Позднее аналогичные случаи произошли в штатах Луизиана и Кентукки. Также инциденты массовой гибели птиц были зафиксированы в Канаде, Швеции и Италии.



ILEANA написал(а):

chto budet vesnoi i letom? da nas nasekomye sozhrut

Ну если так и дальше будет продолжаться - то точно сожрут [взломанный сайт]   [взломанный сайт]



Raymondo написал(а):

I see something has happened , albeit requires translation into Russian .
What I want is two fold , as I see it :-
Being able to use the English version and be able to send a Post .
Secondly , being able to switch to and fro from English to Russian and back again . I can change Russian into English by simply pressing that lovely flag at the top left of the screen . But how do I achieve the opposite -- switching  from English to Russian ?

Ramon, I hope that I will be able to make something that will give us possibility to change Russian into English. For now hacker has no idea how to do it  [взломанный сайт]  For now will be easier to make russian - english forum dictionary for you. I think girls will help me with this!!!!.


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