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На Швецию обрушился "дождь" мертвых птиц

Сообщений 61 страница 67 из 67


Ramon, as you can see Alex (zanuda) already joined us. He is programmist. I aked him to help adapt this site to english speakers.
But we can also help you to learn Russian :)



Thanks Sirene,
It is quite strange . I have logged on with no problems and gone straight to this Topic and everything is in fine order --- i.e. I am able to make a Post .
The acid test will be what happens when i go to the Khordokovsky Topic next . If I can get through , I will faint .

Ray to learn Russian ?
Too old and have no motivation .
I will always love visiting Russian speaking countries and even more when you move up a notch or two in democratic development --- may be that wretch will drown in his bath .
But I can only see me living here in the UK , Brazil or some exotic location with fabulous weather and access to English Football and Cricket on TV  [взломанный сайт]  Possibly in Egypt on the Red Sea coast catching lobsters .
Let's now visit our martyr friend Mikheil ( K , not our hero in Tiblisi)



How is it no motivation?! [взломанный сайт]   [взломанный сайт]  And to speak with us? :blush:
Also you can learn russian to be able to answer  your friend from Donetsk :tomato:



Raymondo написал(а):

Ray to learn Russian ?
Too old and have no motivation .

Well, Ray,  just  imagine what a wonderful experience and fantastic opportunity you will have to slag us off using our own language



Yes Lavender . But my choosing the name you have here , aren't you siding with me ( We are both English according to your Avatar! ) against your own sisters?
Wouldn't a nice Russian woman be proud to call herself Russian Lavender?
Be that as it may , I have better things to do than come here to fall out at a  personal level with individuals I have never met and am unlikely to do so .
I often feel that the problem I have is loving Russia much much more than the vast number of Russians do themselves . Many are great at talking but do nothing .
For reasons outside the scope of this space and Topic ,I think the seeds of the collapse of the Federation are now  planted and are ready to flower . I find this so sad as the potential for this  country was so great , particularly as in the short term you have the fortunate strengths of huge natural resources .
Here is a report which captures what I have been saying for a long time and now is repeatedly being aired from a variety of academic centres .

Excerpts from a new book by Mikhail Poltoranin, who was a close associate of Yeltsin and a Russian minister of press and information:


"Russia is gradually sinking to Hell. People are already feeling sick from sulfur smell of the Underworld" (p. 485).

"Even within the CIS group of countries, Russia is among the worst by economic indicators. $ 100 billion, allocated from the budget for anti-crisis measures, have been shifted by Putin and Medvedev to their cronies and buddies (the money was immediately transferred abroad) and given to money-lenders. And the manufacturing industry, electronics and others branches where the innovation is needed in the first pace were left without help from the state and collapsed ...

Innovations fell 15-fold. In terms of production of combines, Russia was thrown back to 1933, tractors - back to 1931, cars - back to 1910, textiles and footwear - back to 1900..." (p. 464).

"Social degradation and primitivization of economy continues, dependence on oil and gas production quickly increases. During the crisis of 2009, financial assistance from the state has been allocated mainly to usurers and oligarchs" (p. 453).

"One oligarch set a concentration camp for the people in his part of Russia, another one in his own place" (p. 485).

"Immunity of parasites and impotence of the people are increasing. The supreme power is awash in self-adulation, officials do nothing and are set in motion only by bribes. The society anxiously waits for something. A degradation in morals, culture, science and everything else is in full swing" (p. 485).

"It seems as if the nation waved goodbye to its country. Up to 50,000 people go missing every year in Russia - and we don't give a damn. Forests are exterminated, the oligarchs poison rivers, protected relic trees under the palaces of the nouveaux riches are cut down - and we don't give a damn about it.

In a country with enormous natural resources, the minimum wage is 15 times lower than in poorer countries like Belgium and Ireland - it doesn't not hurt, we'll get over it. In Russia, there is half a million officials - three times more than in the USSR, they do not serve the people, but press them with kickbacks, extortion, bribery - but we do not care about it...

Somebody up there commits crimes, steals, sheds blood, and the people are silent, as if they not live here, raise children and grandchildren. This only stirs up Kremlin's power which permanently increases ..." (p. 452-453).

Are excerpts like this nonsense or do they capture the flavour of things as they truly are ?



The Apocalypse, mass kills and the magnetic pole shift


The myriad of reasons given for the mass deaths of various species of animals around the world is almost as baffling as the events themselves, lending credence to the notion that something very strange is going on. The list of incidents grows by the day and reaches staggering proportions. We must find an answer, and soon.

The list of apocalyptic happenings from the end of 2010 to the beginning of 2011 is absolutely staggering:

450 birds dropped out of the sky in Baton Rouge, Lousiana (red-winged blackbirds, cowbirds, grackles and starlings). Why were they flocking together like that?

3,000 red-winged blackbirds in Beebe, Askansas. Why were they flying at night when they are not night-flyers? Why were they flocking as in a migration, when they do not do this?

Thousands of drum fish washed up along a stretch of the Arkansas River some twenty miles long; the explanation was poison but surely that would have been ascertained by now; still no results are available;

Two million small fish dead in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland; the reason they gave was the cold

Thousands of fish in a Florida creek. It cannot have been the cold, the waters were mild;

Dozens of coots (around 200) found dead on a Texas Highway at Big Cypress Creek;

But the killings have not only been in the United States of America. In Stockport, Greater Manchester, England, hundreds of fish have appeared dead on a pond; several other places in north-west England have reported mass fish kills; in southern England, in the county of Kent, 40,000 devil crabs were washed up dead on the sea-shore at Thanet. The reasons given in all these cases were cold weather, but then again it is always cold in Winter and this does not happen;

In Italy, 8,000 doves plummeted from the sky at Faenza. Reason: altitude sickness, poisoning or indigestion caused by greed. But birds do not simply crop till they drop;

In New Zealand hundreds of snapper fish were washed up dead on the beach at Coromandel;

In Sweden, 50 jackdaws fell from the sky at New Year;

In Brazil a huge fish kill (100 tons) was discovered between Paranaguá, Antonina and Guaraqueçaba Pontal in Paraná State, leaving hundreds of fishermen destitute. Now surely this cannot have been due to cold water, Brazil is in mid-Summer.

The temperature argument cannot hold water, otherwise it would be valid for all the areas affected. How can some mass kills be due to temperature change when there are low temperatures every winter and when there are kills in warmer areas as well?

One theory being postulated tentatively at present is the shift of the Magnetic North Pole eastwards towards Russia. However, this does not take into account the fact that the magnetic pole is constantly shifting in loops some 50 miles wide every day although the movement does appear to be accelerating and has been doing so for several years.

Could this be the explanation? Certainly it is better than saying birds died of altitude sickness and indigestion through greed...

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey



На востоке Румынии произошло массовое алкогольное отравление скворцов, в результате которого погибли десятки птиц.

В субботы жители города Констанца обнаружили на окраине города большое количество тушек скворцов и решили, что они стали жертвами птичьего гриппа.

Однако местные ветеринары пришли к выводу, что скворцы умерли после того, как наелись виноградных выжимок, остающихся в прессе в процессе производства вина.

Как сообщил глава местной санитарно-эпидемиологической и ветеринарной службы, анализ внутренностей скворцов показал, что причиной смерти птиц стало алкогольное отравление.

В последнее время в нескольких странах имела место массовая гибель птиц при загадочных обстоятельствах.

Так, в новогоднюю ночь в небольшом американском городке Биби в штате Арканзас Нажать с неба упало более тысячи мертвых черных дроздов, усыпав крыши и дворы. Власти города пришли к выводу, что в массовой гибели дроздов повинны праздничные фейерверки.

Вечером 5 января в шведском городе Фальчепинг Нажать на дороге нашли почти 100 мертвых галок. По некоторым данным, их просто сбил и переехал автомобиль, двигавшийся на большой скорости.


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