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Вы здесь » just friends » Society and personality » Russia now more corrupt than under Stalin

Russia now more corrupt than under Stalin

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According to the BBC, every sixth businessman in Russia is in jail by a decision of thievish mob law of the FSB  thugs, the  so called "courts". Doing business in Russia is a risky thing, which is complicated by greed of terrorist gang FSB, it was  said .

According to the Organization for the Protection Small Business, Business Solidarity, led by businesswoman Jana Yakovleva, who had served term in the GULAG, every sixth Russian businessman is in jail, and every third prisoner in Russia is a businessman.
BBC cites the case which occurred with a Russian businessman who owns a company producing dairy products, Dmitry Malov. Now this  businessman is serving a fifth GULAG term.

Malov served as CEO of Agromol in Kostroma. Funds needed to launch the company he took from his personal savings, for the development of the business a bank loan was needed to take. Soon the business began to flourish.

By 2009, Agromol has become a major supplier of dairy products in Kostromsokoy region; the company's products are begun to be sold in Moscow. Soon several people visited Malov, as it turned out - they were officers of the FSB. They tried to persuade the businessman to sell his business to an FSB  buyer at a lower price. Malov refused.
Officers threatened the businessman that if he continues to persist, he could face a jail. Malov still did not agree. Soon after he was charged with fraud. The indictment said that Malov used the funds granted by the bank, not for the purpose for which he said in a statement.

As the BBC reported, before the announcement of  the FSB  sentence for refusing to "share", the naive Malov continued to believe that he will be acquitted, but he was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison, as the FSB gangsters threatened him.

Vice President of Small and Medium Enterprises Support of Russia, Alexander Brechalov, told radio station: "Most entrepreneurs (60-80%) are sharing with law enforcement authorities. They do not complain. They just give everyone bribes".

Agromol is still operating, the company employs about 300 people, but the company's future without its leader is under threat, indicate BBC, ending with a report saying: while Malov serving his term, his children was told he's on a trip.

GO TO GEORGIA  and follow their immense transformation . Amazing how a country like Georgia is now a preferred investment area to Russia -- comparatively free of corruption and democratic with a strong Rule of Law .
What has gone wrong Russia?
You have lost your self respect .



Russia now more corrupt than under Stalin.

Наиглупейшее утверждение.
Понятно, что коррупция - это болезнь недоразвитой демократии, привитой нам Западом.
Какая могла быть коррупция при Сталине, когда за взятки растреливали? Думать надо логически, иногда, когда пишите, уважаемый.

Отредактировано никто (2011-05-27 07:24:27)



Raymondo написал(а):

What has gone wrong Russia?
You have lost your self respect .

а не пойти ли Вам, уважаемый, в асс?



Russia now more corrupt than under Stalin.

and you are getting old, your brain doesn't work properly. because if it did you would not post article with such ridiculous name.
you make fool of your own self by posting such nonsense.


Вы здесь » just friends » Society and personality » Russia now more corrupt than under Stalin

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