According to Warsaw newspaper Gazeta Polska in its issue of September 14, results of the analysis carried out by Professor Wieslaw Binienden, Dean of Engineering Faculty at Akron University in Ohio, demonstrated that Polish Tu-154M presidential plane could not lose a wing because of a collision with a birch, as claimed by the Russians, and consequently, the plane was destroyed by KGB (FSB) terrorists with something like  a surface-to-air missile. The newspaper says in particular:

"Calculations of an American expert were presented at a hearing of Polish parliament's Investigation Commission on the Smolensk disaster on September 8, 2011.

According to Antoni Macierewicz, the chairman of the parliamentary commission, Polish public is to ask a number of questions in connection with the calculations:

- Why did they lie to us so long?
- What really happened in Smolensk?

The experiment was carried out by Professor Binienden using a special calculation program LS-DYNA3D. His results were verified and confirmed by FAA (US Federal Aviation Administration) and NASA (US National Aeronautics and Space Administration). The results leave no doubt: the loss of a small part of the edge of the wing does not reduce the stability of the aircraft.

It is to be noted that the scientific authority of Professor Wieslaw Binienden is indisputable.

He is the Dean of Engineering Faculty at Akron University in Ohio and the member of an expert group investigating the aircraft crashes working for major US government agencies and American companies, such as NASA, FAA and Boeing. He holds a doctorate in the field of the strength of materials and is an honorary member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and an editor for Journal of Aerospace Engineering.

According to official Russian and Polish government reports, the reason for the Smolensk disaster of April 10, 2010 was that the Polish presidential plane Tu-154M incidentally hit a birch tree while landing, lost a large part of its wing, disintegrated into small pieces, overturned 180 decrees and hit the ground. 96 members of Polish political and military elite, all active Putin's enemies, including Polish president Lech Kaczynski, his wife and numerous Polish NATO generals died.

According to Polish polls, more than two thirds of Polish citizens have no doubt that President Kaczynski and 95 other Poles was killed by the Russians the same way as the Russians brutally murdered more than 23,000 Polish prisoners of war in Katyn in March 1940.

Piece by piece , the truth emerges in indisputable ways .
Like 9/11 and Putin's 1999 bombing of Russian cities , official versions simply look stupid as alleged facts are investigated and put to test .